We finished our last practice of the Hip Hop Dance Group at school. The performance was supposed to be tomorrow, but suddenly they changed it so that we are performing at the graduation ceremony on June 18th, which sucks because I'll already be back in the States. I guess I can do a solo performance when I get back .
Last week we took a field trip to 남이섬. (Nami Island.) The bus ride was an hour and a half. After getting there, we have to wait for the boat to ferry us across. And then we ate lunch together with our class. By the time that was done, we only had an hour and a half to explore on our own before we had to go back. My favorite part was when I went to the bathroom and there was a class of 20 kindergarten boys in there and they all point at me "외국인!" (Foreigner!). I said "아냐, 내가 한국 사람이야 !" (No, I'm Korean!) and they got into a big argument with me. Some of them were really confused, and ran outside to ask their teacher... who in turn was very confused as well as she had no idea what had transpired in the bathroom.
On the bus ride back, everyone was tired and Junya fell asleep on my shoulder. I forgot my iPod so I just studied korean with my cell phone dictionary.

On the weekend, I stayed close to home and studied Chinese with my Chinese friend, Haoyue. Also, Friday night was the school festival. There were alot of rumors about which famous singers were gonna come. Two of my friends told me that Lee Hyori was coming, so I stayed there until 10:30. But there weren't any good singers. I was glad to see After School perform though. They are a group of 5 girls that I missed out on a chance to see in Gimcheon last year. It's hard to imagine I'll be back stateside in two weeks... I should start buying some souvenirs to bring back.

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